Creating An Authentic Colonial Garden


Are you tired of having the same boring landscape that looks like everyone else's in the neighborhood? Are you tired of seeing the same plant material being used over and over again in residential landscapes? If so,  why not create an authentic colonial garden using the same garden designs and plant materials once used by your forefathers.

Liriodendron tulipifera---tulip poplar
"Everyone has some of these trees in his gardens and around the house, for ornament and pleasure" William Byrd (1674-1744) Natural History of Virginia.

In what time period did colonial garden styles take place?

While historians consider the time frame between 1607 and 1776 to be the colonial 
period, horticulturists and landscape architects view the period between 1607 and 1840 as the colonial garden style period. The time frame was extended 64 years because colonial garden styles changed very little until the middle of the nineteenth century when Victorian architecture and garden styles became the vogue.

The creation of this web page...

I am an undergraduate student at The Ohio State University, majoring in Landscape Horticulture. This web site is a term project for a Horticulture and Crop Science class, Computers in Horticulture Management (H&CS 560). Questions or comments can be addressed to Created by Scott Allen, see my resume
